Local parents have their say on back-to-school

Roughly 83 000 Grade 12’s and around 131 000 Gr 7 learners from Limpopo will return to school on Monday.

POLOKWANE – 1 June will see the phased re-opening of schools, with thousands of Gr 12 and Gr 7 learners from Limpopo returning to class. According to several health research institutions, an infection surge is expected with a peak in infections between June and August, depending on society’s response and adaption to health measures put in place.

Health researchers predict over 40 000 deaths and more than a million Covid-19 infections in SA in 2020

Review spoke to local parents about their thoughts of their children returning to school next week. This is what they had to say:

Kgothatso Lamola: I don’t feel safe or comfortable at all that our children have to go to school when this pandemic is not over as yet. I think it’s a bit too soon for them to go back. They should’ve given them the rest of the  year off and they should do home schooling.

Izel Labuscagne: I am ready and very comfortable about my child, Zuhan a Gr 7 learner, going to school on Monday. Online schooling was a whole new thing for all of us, which is also not a bad thing.  Children need to be exposed to everything. But I am very thankful they can go back to school, not only as it is the last year in primary school, but he misses his friends and his routine. We should not live in fear of the virus, but only do what is expected and be hygienic. We’re all going to be very busy from Monday to get everything back in order, but that’s what moms are there for, help where you can.

Chrontsi Sebola: As a mother of a Gr 7 learner I am a bit worried about the safety of my children especially considering the state of the school they are enrolled in. I feel the department did not give itself enough time to get schools ready for the learners to return. I also think with primary school learners it is going to be a bit difficult to ensure that they comply to the set safety standards such as keeping a mask on. I will however still send my daughter to school, but I have taught her the importance of adhering to the safety measures.

Maryna Peyer: I think there will be no problems as Gr 12 learners are quite mature. As long as they follow protocol, keep social distancing, wear masks and wash their hands often, everything will be fine. If the school is under the blood of Jesus, He will keep the school safe. If everyone just listens to what they are supposed to do, everything will be fine.

Willie Chauke:  I am scared. I am really afraid for my child and other children out there. Our government is playing games with our children’s lives and we are expected to just accept it. It should be voluntary whether parents want to take their children back to school. Gr 12 is stressful as it is, it shouldn’t have the added stress of fearing for their lives every time they enter the school premises.

Farieda Cozyn: As much as the Gr 12’s are grown up and responsible enough to take care of themselves at school, it’s still not safe for them to go back at this time because I think the virus is still very active. And as mature as the Gr 12 learners are, you still have some learners who are irresponsible and careless. So I personally think it’s not a good idea for them to return so soon.

Fhumulani Masia: I am somewhat confident because at Gr 12 the learners are easier to control. This is the final year of school and my child has invested so much of his time to his studies and it has been depressing, the thought of having to repeat  matric next year. I have also bought PPE, that I will be insisting he takes to school on a daily basis. We have adopted the safety precautions at home, so I am not worried about him adhering to them at school.

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