Limpopo departments table their budgets virtually

Provincial Government had to, for the first time, table their annual budgets virtually, as a result of lockdown regulations. The tabling was done on Thursday, 7 May.

LIMPOPO – For most of the departments the exercise would have to be repeated later this year, as this would only be a provisional budget, due to Covid-19 contributions that will be deducted later, to be followed by budget appropriations.

Office of the Premier

The Office of the Premier received R450,2 million, while the Premier, Chupu Mathabatha, said there are new structures in place that have done away with redundant posts.


An amount of R2,031 billion has been allocated to the department, of which 60% or R1,2 billion will go to farmer support and development, ranging from agricultural input, farmer support programmes, projects, equipment for primary and secondary production activities, mechanisation support and capacity building of farmers.A total of R49,8 million was set aside to fill 112 vacancies, veterinary service will receive R66,6 million and R6.4 million will be spent on rural development programmes.


The department has received R33,7 billion, with R27 billion for cost of employees, R3 billion for goods and services and R2,5 billion for transfers and subsidies and R1,2 billion for infrastructure. A total of R1,37 billion is destined for the School Nutrition Programme while 215 schools will be provided with ‘appropriate’ sanitary facilities.


The Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, with a budget of R2,5 billion said it has promised 5 579 low cost houses and handed over 8 764 houses.

Transport and Community Safety

This department, with a budget of R2,4 billion will continue to subsidise some 30 000 000 passengers to the tune of R814,6 million. From 1 April, the department has started capturing traffic summonses on the national traffic contravention system, which is linked to NaTIS (National Traffic Information System). Registering and licensing services have been extended to four provincial traffic stations: Polokwane, Makhado, Lephalale and Thohoyandou.The provincial police secretariat has been awarded R64,6 million to do their work.

Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure

This department has received R3,9 billion.A total of 59 planned school projects supposed to start during the third quarter this year has been postponed. Roads of 87,6 km have been completed at a cost of R1,1 billion. In the pipeline are upgrading of hospital projects, laundry services, the building of agricultural and traditional leaders’ offices, the upgrading of nature reserves and maintenance of government buildings. The vacancy rate at the department stands at 14%.


The Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism with R1,7 billion, will continue with the Musina SEZ, which they say is progressing well, be involved in the Fetakgomo ?Thubatse hub projected to amount R1,5 billion and which was accepted by the Presidential Infrastructure Committee, and continue refurbishing Industrial parks in Seshego, Fetakgomo and Thohoyandou.The turnaround strategy for Great North Transport, at R380 million was approved and 75 new buses were acquired. The department has also managed to pay 100% of its suppliers within 30 days and spent 99% of its budget.


A total of R22,1 billion has been earmarked for the Department of Health, of which R3,6 billion is conditional grants and R212 million own revenue. The cost of employees is R16,127 billion while R361,5 million will be spent on machinery and equipment and R952,8 million on health facility management. Health MEC Phophi Ramathuba said the budget was tabled in a period of great uncertainty, fear and panic due to the Covid-19 outbreak.


Limpopo Legislature’s budget has not been published online yet as they were still working on the design of the document.Sport, Arts and CultureSport Arts and Culture will receive a total of R524 million, of which R12,2 million was dedicated to the Covid-19 initiative:R8,3 million towards the relief fund and R3,9million towards Covid-19 initiatives.

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