Food relief for Gauteng’s most vulnerable

Gauteng’s Acting MEC for Social Development, Panyaza Lesufi on 15 April received donations worth R2,5 million at a central warehouse in Reuven.

THESE donations will be prioritised for those most vulnerable and support families in distress amid the Covid–19 lockdown.

Lesufi said the donors who partnered with government, have made huge contributions.

The Acting MEC for Social Development, Panyaza Lesufi.

“We are thrilled about their donations. The demand is huge and it will be misleading to say we’d be able to meet the demand overnight. Our strategy is that for the next three weeks, we should at least sustain those we used to support.”

He said the department didn’t want duplication donations from NGO’s, individuals or other organisations, and that coordinating these donations were thus of the utmost importance.

What donors delivered on the day:

Lesufi said he wanted the distribution process to run smoothly.

“We now need to ensure that these food parcels reach people immediately. We must find a way of identifying the need and eliminate chancers who only pretend to be poor.  If we can manage that, we would have made a real effort in fighting poverty in our province.”

A truck from MealSA, with thousands of bags of mealie meal.

As part of its normal funding for food relief programme, the department awarded a contract of R80 million which will added to the current increased relief request.

“National government through the Solidarity Fund also allocated R43 million to assist the province, ensuring that our people do not get to bed on empty stomachs in this time of need. As government we welcome the donations and call for more donations as the need is ever-increasing,” Lesufi said.

He concluded that the donations will go a long way in assisting the department in restoring the dignity of the most vulnerable people in the province.

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