PnP: here’s how we honour, assist health workers

The company hopes this initiative will help minimise the time hospital workers have available to spend shopping for much needed essentials and give them the opportunity to complete their shop quickly so they can return to serving the country

An initiative was launched by Pick n Pay this week, to allow health workers to shop for their essentials as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Hospital workers are now able to go to the front of the queue to enter the store as well as at the pay point.

John Bradshaw, Retail Executive: Marketing explained: “We understand they work long and unusual hours so we wanted to offer something for all hospital workers serving our country during lockdown.  They only need to show their identification as a hospital worker.”

He said the company hopes this initiative will help minimise the time hospital workers have available to spend shopping for much needed essentials and give them the opportunity to complete their shop quickly so they can return to serving the country. “The new initiative will assist health workers in getting their essential goods fast, allowing them to return to the front line quickly and maybe even allowing them less time spent on their feet.” The initiative started at Pick n Pay stores in the Western Cape, aiming to give back to hospital workers in a small but meaningful way.

Signs have been put up at some stores encouraging health workers to jump the line and thanking them for their service.

Pick n Pay also launched an exclusive shopping hour for customers over the age of 65 every Wednesday from 07:00 to 08:00 from 18 March this year.

This was announced on the company’s social media pages: “Given the situation with the current coronavirus, it’s important to us that our older customers are able to limit their exposure.” Pensioners will also be awarded double Smart Shopper points on Wednesdays.

The group’s trading hours were also adjusted to accommodate workers to ensure they can get to and from their homes during the permitted travel hours by taxis.  Store trading hours will depend on local legislation, and the online shop will be open around the clock.

New perspex screens were rolled out at shops across the country to ensure customer comfort and safety during lockdown, and also to protect cashiers, an additional safety measure amid coronavirus concerns.

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