Registering your SMME: How does it work?

Although government has loosened the belt for some small businesses during the national lockdown, you still need a permit in order to continue doing business.

LIMPOPO – The Department of Small Development has set up a dedicated website where you can register your business for support during these trying times. In this website you can specify exactly what type of assistance you really need.

According to duduonthedaily, businesses that provide essential services and products, need to apply for certification through CIPC’s Essential Service Business portal.

You might also want to read: Informal traders, here’s where to apply for lockdown trading permit

The CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Property Commission) needs to approve that the business is, in fact, an essential service provider and grant operation approval. It’s a simple registration process and the CIPC will issue your business with a certificate stating that your business is allowed to operate during the 21-day lockdown period.

Businesses that are negatively aff­ected – directly or indirectly – due to the  Coronavirus pandemic need to follow the criteria below in order to qualify for assistance:

Qualifying criteria

For more information you can visit

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