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Activities to keep the young ones occupied during lockdown

The extended school holiday is giving parents the ideal opportunity to not only bond with their children, but also to develop those young minds.

LIMPOPO – With the national lockdown now in full force, one can however run out of ideas if you don’t work in the education sector yourself.

Herewith a few ideas on how to keep the little ones busy and scholastically up to date.

• Stocking up on movies – Some parents have invested lots of money to buy children movies and even pay a subscription fee for cartoon and movie channels. This investment is meant to keep the children busy and glued to the TV all day to allow the parents to go about their business.

• Watch movies together – This is something that can also be done on weekends during day time. During the holidays, you have a lot of time, and if you think there is not much to talk about, then there is nothing better than watching a movie together. Ask your children to select a movie and watch it together.

• Assigning them household chores – While child labour is against the law, the line between home chores and slavery is very thin for parents. Ideally chores help build a child’s character.

• Buying toys/story books – Parents invest good resources to buy storybooks for the purpose of engaging their children during school holidays. Interestingly, they have also put into consideration the fact that not all children will stick to the books and thus have bought toys to go hand-in-hand with the story books.

• Help them with school homework – Normally during holidays, children are given a lot of work. You can help them to complete their homework. This can give a strong boost to the confidence level of your child.

• Hear them carefully – To get close to your child, you will have to look into his heart and listen to his every small emotion. Be patient and carefully listen to all what your child wants to share with you. Sometimes, their issues may seem unimportant to you, but keep in mind that they are bigger and more valuable to them. Communicate with them and hear what they have to say.

• Play games together – It is not necessary that you should go out to play games with your children. There are many kinds of board games that can be played inside the home. Also, children are extremely fond of playing video games. Take out a couple of hours from your daily schedule and plan to play some games together.

• Plan some indoor activities – Activities like singing, gardening, and reading can bring out the best in your child.

If there’s a pet in your home, assign your child the responsibility of grooming it. Observe them for a few days and give your child feedback about their performance. Gardening is a type of activity which almost everyone enjoys. Spending half an hour each morning and evening can help you strengthen the bond with your kids.The relationship that parents share with their children is so pure and unique that no words can explain or cover the emotions that are related to it. There is no question of the presence of love between a parent and his or her child. Some people feel this is the only relationship worth trusting.


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