Get your COVID-19 info on Health Dept’s WhatApp service

The WhatsApp helpline is available in Sotho, Zulu, Afrikaans and Xhosa and English. 

As part of its Covid-19 response programme, the National Department of Health launched a WhatsApp-based information service which will provide South Africans with accessible, trusted and up-to-date information.

The Deputy Director-General for Health, Yogan Pillay says they accepted technical assistance from and the Clinton Health Access Initiative to get the service up and running.

“The line will not only provide information but can also push approved information to subscribers,” he confirmed.

The line gives users access to automated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s), two help desk agents who have been appointed to monitor the line and answer, and will even escalate difficult questions to the National Institute for Communicable Disease’s help desk.

Pillay added that they secured support and assistance from Vodacom, Facebook and WhatsApp to ensure that the costs of the service, SMS inventory and promotion of the service via Facebook do not fall to the national department.

As from Saturday (March 28), the WhatsApp helpline will be available in Sotho, Zulu, Afrikaans and Xhosa, in addition to English.

Which means all South Africans will be able to get vital information on Covid-19 in the nation’s five most-spoken languages, broadening the accessibility of this service to millions of citizens.

To join the Covid-19 Connect conversation by typing the word ‘Hi’ to +27 600 123 456 on WhatsApp.

Watch below to see how you can access the service:

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