Young athletes make school proud

Four athletes from Laerskool Ivy Park made their school proud following their participation at the provincial primary schools athletics meeting held at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium last Wednesday. Although Tshimollo Monyemoratho, Lesiba Mabotha, Amo Nkanyane and Olubanzi Mlangeni did not earn podium positions, the young athletes were delighted to have made it to provincial …

Four athletes from Laerskool Ivy Park made their school proud following their participation at the provincial primary schools athletics meeting held at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium last Wednesday.
Although Tshimollo Monyemoratho, Lesiba Mabotha, Amo Nkanyane and Olubanzi Mlangeni did not earn podium positions, the young athletes were delighted to have made it to provincial level. Tshimollo competed in long jump for u.11 girls, Lesiba in 75 m hurdles for u.12 girls, Amo battled it out in the long jump for u.13 boys while Olubanzi took on her peers in the 75 m hurdles for u.12 girls.
School sport organiser Gavin Theron emphasised that they were proud of the four athletes who put the school on the provincial map. Theron added that he foresaw a bright future ahead for each of the four athletes as he urged them to continue training hard to sharpen their technique and improve their performance.

Story and photo: ENDY SENYATSI


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