RCT Movement urges Polokwane to take a stand against gender-based violence

"I am tired of living in a world where women live in fear of men and they do not have a platform to voice their concerns in a safe place" - Fortunate Mamabolo

POLOKWANE – With an increase in acts of gender-based violence (GBV) against women, children and men in the country, Fortunate Mamabolo decided to stand up against it and create awareness around the issue.

Mamabolo is the founder of the RCT Movement, which he says came about after hearing horrible stories about the murder of women and children.

“I am tired of living in a world where women live in fear of men and they do not have a platform to voice their concerns in a safe place,” he said.

The movement has garnered over 80 members on Facebook since it was founded late last year and Mamabolo told BONUS he has taken it as sign that there has been a need for a platform such as the one he created.

“I posted about GBV on social media and the response was overwhelming. People shared their opinions while others shared their stories and looked for advice. This platform has opened up a whole new world of togetherness where victims, survivors and supporters of victims and survivors come together and show love,” he added. Mamabolo and his team have decided they would have the movement go live and get the people from the social media movement to actually meet and show each other support in person. “I want us to meet and get acquainted. I would like to get the police and social workers involved so the movement becomes about more than just talking, but about getting the help they need,” he said.

They call on people to come on board as they can never have enough members. They plan to have a drive where they will identify survivors of gender-based violence who are in need of help with non-perishables such as clothes, food and sanitary pads.

“We would like to make it clear that we do not want money. Donations can be in other forms, we do not expect money,” he said.


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