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Yoga, CrossFit or boot camp – the choice is yours

In light of National Healthy Lifestyles Awareness Day, Review spoke to some experts about which exercises you could do to help you lead a healthier lifestyle.

POLOKWANE – National Healthy Lifestyles Awareness Day is a day implemented by the government to promote good nutrition, regular physical activity, tobacco control, interventions against alcohol and substance abuse and safe sexual behaviour. The day is celebrated on 22 February this year and Review spoke to some experts about which exercises you could do to help you lead a healthier lifestyle.

Read more: How do you encourage your family to eat and live healthy?

Here are some yoga, CrossFit and boot camp exercises you could do to get fit and stay healthy.


Yoga is a discipline that provides a tool to attain complete self-realisation and the literal meaning of the Sanskrit word ‘yoga’ is ‘yoke’. Yoga instructor, Kirsty Cawood says yoga can therefore be defined as a means of uniting the individual spirit with the universal spirit of God. Westernised yoga is very broad and there are various types or aspects of yoga.

She says yoga is available for everyone and there is even special yoga for disabled people and children. “You move your body to a functionality where you are comfortable. You do not need to be fit and we do not do crazy advanced poses. You do it in a space that is comfortable for you and doing yoga allows you to become aware of your body and connect with your breathing.”

Yoga calms you down and eases anxiety. Yoga helps you to safely explore your body, mind and soul and is an integrated body-mind meditation.

Kirsty demonstrates a few exercises:

Seated twist: This is warms up the spine and core and creates a gentle awareness of the belly as your spine is straight and long.
Legs up the wall: This posture is a calming posture as it takes pressure of the heart. The position also relieves menstrual cramps and lowers back pain. Alternatively, you can stretch your legs out straight.
Downward dog: This is an active resting pose and very popular for calming and energising. This strengthens your back body. It is a stretching and strengthening posture.


CrossFit is exercises that help you improve your physical strength as well as aerobic fitness. The exercises are a great way to manage your body weight and burn calories. CrossFit focuses on balance, agility and flexibility.

Review spoke to fitness instructor, Liana Fourie who says CrossFit is an exercise routine that anyone can do in the comfort of their home.

Liana demonstrates a few exercises:

Dumbell snatch: This exercise helps to improve balance with an emphasis on your legs, core and upper-body.
Burpee: This exercise helps to improve your balance and is regarded as a full-body workout where you even use your neck and jaw muscles.
Wall Ball: This exercise improves muscular endurance and can improve muscular power and strength when you use a heavier load.  This exercise works your quads, glutes, hamstrings, core , triceps and back.


Boot camp is a physical traning prgramme thatr can be done as a group. This can be done in either a gym or any open space and the exercises help to build strength and fitness.

Review spoke to Lee-Anne Pieterse, owner of the Adventure Boot Camp franchise in the city, who has more than 12 years of fitness training experience.

Lee-Anne demonstrates a few exercises:

Squat clean press: This exercise works seven muscle types in one session and helps to raise your heartbeat.
Mountain climb: A compound exercise that works several muscles together which works well in strength training workouts.
Up-and-down plank: This exercise strengthens the core, glutes, arms, wrists and shoulders at the same time.

Article compiled by Riana Joubert and Maretha Swanepoel. Read more about the benefits of Pilates and see some exercises in this week’s Polokwane Review.

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