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Advocate unpacks her scars in motivational book

She has had to endure life's hardships on her way to becoming an advocate.

LIMPOPO – Author and advocate, Lucia Mundalamo, is living testimony that one can be successful in life irrespective of one’s background.

She has had to endure life’s hardships on her way to becoming an advocate.

“I had knocked at different doors in search of opportunities, but many of those wanted sexual favours in return. In turning down these offers, I was denied many an opportunity. Today, I thank God for the South African National Defence force, as it is through this department that my dream of becoming a lawyer was fulfilled. I managed to settle my outstanding balance and continued with my studies,” Mundalamo explained.

In her recently published motivational book, It is Part of Your Story, this village girl unpacks her scars in order to help the readers heal their wounds.

‘It is part of your story.’

“Challenges are part of your story. They shape you and position you. You have to go through them in order to achieve your dreams,” she said. “This book will arm you with the strategies to conquer the world. Did your dream die a premature death? Is your dream dying? This book carries all the dead dream resurrection tools.”

The 35-year-old from Mulodi village said she had seen people giving up on their dreams, committing suicide, and allowing challenges to knock them down. “I had witnessed people’s dreams dying prematurely. Based on my personal experience and everyday observations, I learned that our lives are like a novel. Whatever happens to us is part of our story, and so are the challenges.”

Giving of her own experiences, would help another person, she told CV.

“I am that village girl who personally experienced poverty, perhaps this could be of help to someone.”

The mother of twins explained that it took her seven years to complete the book, which was published by Ako El Echad Publishers.

For book purchases, she can be reached on 071 429 9236.


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