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[IN TWEETS] Which side of the coin is heads and which is tails? The SA Mint settles the debate

Most people are under the impression that the side with the animal on is heads and the coat of arms is tails, but the SA Mint says that is not the case.

POLOKWANE – It’s an age-old debate, one that plenty of us have had before: Which side of the coin is heads and which is tails?

Taking to social media recently, Twitter user Katlego Moncho posted a photo saying she and her colleagues were having a debate as to which side of the coin was heads and tails.

Many Twitter users replied saying the first frame is heads and the second frame is tails while others stated that the first frame is in fact tails and the second frame, heads.


However, the SA Mint, responsible for minting all coins of the South African rand on behalf of its owner the South African Reserve Bank, replied to the tweet to settle the debate. Their answer? Heads is the official state side (the coat of arms) and tails is the animal side.

In true South African fashion, their answer led to an array of humorous responses from twitter users:


What are your thoughts on the debate?


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