Outdoor Expo a treat for young and old

The Review Outdoor Expo took place at the Thornhill Shopping Centre on 19 October. Review spoke to revellers to find out what they liked about the expo.

POLOKWANE – The Review Outdoor Expo was a fun experience for revellers… with stalls galore which exhibited all the needs and wants for 4×4’s. Having the various experts in one space meant a wealth of information about 4×4’s, bakkies, trailers and outdoor products was available on the spot.

Review spoke to revellers to find out what they liked about the expo.

Pedrie and Zach Janse Van Rensburg and Minke Bouwer all agree that they had fun. They had dinosaur toys to keep them busy as the expo went on.”


Willie Chauke – “The Toyota Legend 50 is a dream. I fell in love with the car and the interior won me over, plus it’s also comes in automatic, can a vehicle get any more perfect?”


Mpho Mathatho – ” I like the quad bikes. My mother actually brought me off here so I could see if I can test drive one but unfortunately I can’t. I am happy to have been able to sit on one and just get a feel for it.”


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