Jabu innocent on all disciplinary charges

Bosveld previously reported that he was suspended on 4 September with several allegations of misconduct relating to recruitment processes and the management of his financial responsibilities.

MOKOPANE – During the lengthy disciplinary hearing between the Mogalakwena Municipality and Jabu Mashamaite, Deputy Manager of Corporate Services and Support, that was held on 25 September at the municipal building in Retief Street, he was found innocent on all charges and allegations made against him.

Bosveld previously reported that he was suspended on 4 September with several allegations of misconduct relating to recruitment processes and the management of his financial responsibilities.

Read more: Jabu Mashamaite and co-accused not guilty

Some of the alleged misconduct occurred between December 2018 to March 2019, while Mashamaite was acting in the position of Manager of Community Services. and relates to the appointment of service providers.

He has also been accused of submitting fraudulent qualifications for his appointment. An additional charge was raised during the hearing stating that Mashamaite was violating his suspension conditions that prohibited him to have contact with the media.

Mashamaite’s suspension was revoked on 20 September and he has commenced with his duties as Deputy Manager of Corporate Services and Support on 23 September.

Mashamaite told Bosveld that he didn’t care about the allegations as he knew that he was innocent and that he could prove his innocence, however, it was his family and his public image that was damaged.

Mashamaite said that the municipality had all the evidence in their possession before the hearing but was misled by other parties.

“I just want to repair my image and my reputation. I don’t care about the rest,” he said.

“I will seek legal advice regarding this as this constant allegations are not right. I am not doing anything wrong and I had the proof. They failed to provide evidence that had substance against me to show that I am guilty, but they still continued.

“They are busy with a witchhunt against me, but I will just refer them to my God. He will sort them out.

“I have had enough of this. I will deal with the people that have this grudge against me in a civil way.”

While Mashamaite showed Bosveld his timetable and previous results for his Bachelors of Public Administration programme that he is currently studying at the Management College of South Africa he stated: “I am due for exams, do I really have to continuously prove myself like this in public. My studies are funded by the Municipality, yet they claim that I provided fraudulent qualifications?”

Stefanie Alberts, councillor of the Freedom Front Plus, said they are disappointed with the outcome and that they will follow up and continue to seek answers.



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