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Try this true South African favourite: ‘roosterbrood’ on the coals

You have not experienced a true South African braai until you have tasted home-made roosterbrood. Molatelo 'Chef Lati' Malebatja shared her recipe with Review readers.

POLOKWANE – You have not experienced a true South African braai until you have tasted home-made roosterbrood.

Molatelo ‘Chef Lati’ Malebatja says warm roosterbrood, doused in butter is the perfect side dish, and you will not go wrong by adding it to your braai list.

“Believe me when I say that you have not had a South African braai until you’ve had roosterbrood.” She adds that the secret when making the perfect roosterbrood is to give the dough time to rise and to cook it over coals that are not too hot.

She shared her recipe with Review readers.


• 1 teaspoon of salt

• 1kg white bread flour

• 600 ml of lukewarm water

• 60g butter that is cut into small cubes

• 10g instant dry yeast

• 1 teaspoon sugar

• Cheese

How to make rooster bread:

• Mix the salt, sugar, flour and yeast together

• Add the butter into the flour mixture, rubbing with your fingertips until the mixture becomes crumbs

• Add some water to the dry ingredients to form a soft dough

• Flip the dough out onto a floured surface, and knead it until smooth (make sure that it must not stick on the hands)

• Place the dough in a large bowl, cover it with cling wrap and allow it to stand in a warm place until it the dough has doubled in size

• Knead the dough once again and shape the dough into 12 medium size balls

• Place them onto an oiled pan and allow them to stand for another 10 to 15 minutes

• Slightly flatten the balls and sprinkle them with a little bit flour so that it does not stick to the hands

• Cook the ‘rooster broodjie’s over low fire for 10 minutes on each side, making sure that they don’t burn

• Knock or tap the bread/rooster brood with your fingers, and if it makes a hollow (empty) sound, it means you’re rooster brood is ready to serve and eat.

“When your rooster brood is done braaing, cut/slice it open with a knife, and fill it with whatever you want. “My personal favourite is just a slice of cheese inside, it tastes delicious,” she concluded.


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