Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 makes awards at District Governor’s visit

The highligts of last Thursday evening’s meeting of the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 that was hosted at the Polokwane Bowls Club were a visit by Rotary District Governor Maurice Stander and the presentation of special awards to deserving individuals. Stander commended the club on its excellent performance in all respects and appealed to members …

The highligts of last Thursday evening’s meeting of the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 that was hosted at the Polokwane Bowls Club were a visit by Rotary District Governor Maurice Stander and the presentation of special awards to deserving individuals.
Stander commended the club on its excellent performance in all respects and appealed to members to recruit new Rotarians.
“This club consists of leaders in all fields and has the potential to have 100 members by forming satellite clubs,” Stander said.
Editor of Polokwane Observer Yolande Nel received the club’s vocational award. President of the club Horst Meyer said that the award is made to individuals who goes the extra mile in their working environment to be in the service of their communities. “Polokwane Observer is a community newspaper and by ensuring that the club receives more than enough cover in the media, Nel as leader of her team promoted our aim of service to the community,” Meyer said in the recommendation for the award.
Past President of the club Peter Mockford received the coveted Paul Harris Fellowship Award for his exceptional service and contributions to the club and the community as such.
After enjoying a great dinner prepared by the Rotary Anns, Rotarian John Dunlevey hosted a round of Bingo to the delight of all present.

Story/photo: BARRY VILJOEN

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