
Mitchell House connects with service providers

Mitchell House Headmaster Andrew Cook appealed to guests at the school’s business connect breakfast last Thursday to spend their money in the city and promote the local economy. Cook said that the aim of the event was to attract businesspeople as well as parents of the school to advertise in the school’s annual magazine called …

Mitchell House Headmaster Andrew Cook appealed to guests at the school’s business connect breakfast last Thursday to spend their money in the city and promote the local economy.
Cook said that the aim of the event was to attract businesspeople as well as parents of the school to advertise in the school’s annual magazine called ‘The Chronicle’ or to buy advertising space on the billboards on the school grounds. “It makes sense to support local businesses as it creates jobs and allows money to flow back into the community,” Cook explained and added that the school wishes to foster lasting relationships with their trusted service providers, especially if they are parents of the school.
The school’s Bursar, Godfried Krüger also took to the podium and emphasised that Mitchell House is not a private school. “Mitchell House is a community school and all the income generated is ploughed back into the school. The school is owned by our parents,” Krüger explained and added that the school prides itself at the service that it is providing to the community.

Story and photos: BARRY VILJOEN

Mitchell House Bursar Godfried Krüger addresses prospective service providers.

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