Lim young entrepreneurs aim to grow SA economy

Simama Ranta, which means 'empowering the South African economy,' was initiated in 2010 by the Eskom Development Foundation in collaboration with the Education with Enterprise Trust (EWET). They recently hosted a competition for secondary schools.

POLOKWANE – Young entrepreneurs from Limpopo were part of the competition and presented their business ideas on Thursday, 29 August at the Apollo Hotel in Randburg.
The competition was aimed at identifying and acknowledging South African secondary schools who lead the way in education initiatives aimed at entrepreneurship. The idea is to encourage learners to seek to be employers that will help grow the South African economy.
Mudimeli Yes Club from Mudimeli Secondary School represented Limpopo. In addition to running the school tuck shop since 2010, the club started a beading and knitting business as well as a vegetable garden which products they sell in their town. The club have hired two employees to manage their garden and beading/knitting production line.
Profits are used to subsidies school excursions for students who cannot afford to pay for them. The winning school of the competition will receive a R100 000 cash prize.
Vision Ramovha, a member of the Mudimeli Yes Clubm, said their projects are doing well and that they are learning important life skills from them. “It feels good to be able to make a difference in the lives of our peers,” Vision said.
Percy Masango, Chairman of the competition’s adjudication panel made up of subject experts from the National Department of Basic Education, added that with the calibre of young entrepreneurs they have seen in the competition so far, he can safely say that our country’s future is looks bright.
“It is going to be tough for the panel to choose a winner albeit good to see the headway we are making in attracting quality entrepreneurs from the learners each year. One of the best ways to affect unemployment is by nurturing entrepreneurs and this competition goes a long way in achieving that,” he added.
The winning school will be announced towards the end of the year at a gala dinner.

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