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Help the Department of Social Development find ‘Isaac”s next of kin

The Department of Social Development says the child was found by the public, roaming around Limpopo Mall with no trace of parents or guardians.

POLOKWANE – The Department of Social Development is requesting help from the community in identifying or finding the next of kin of a two-year-old child only known as Isaac/Isak.

Spokesperson, Kanakana Mantshimuli says the child is currently at a temporary safe care facility in terms of Section 150(1)(a) of the Children’s Act no. 38 of 2005 and was brought to the institution by the Polokwane SAPS who alleged that the child was found by members of the public, roaming around Limpopo Mall with no trace of parents or guardians.

Photo supplied by the Department of Social Development.

“SAPS have already alerted local media using the case number OB3324/04/2019 as reference. Up to so far, nobody has come forward. The case manager (social worker) has attempted to find more information about the child and his relatives, but the process is hampered by the fact that the child can only provide his name,” Mantshimuli stated.

He added that the Department is seeking assistance in the hope that someone may come forward with more information so as to reunite the child with his relatives. If not, Mantshimuli says the message will assist in the process of a permanency plan such as adoption, in the case of no relatives or guardians claiming the child.


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Raeesa Sempe

Raeesa Sempe is a Caxton Award-winning Digital Editor with nine years’ experience in the industry. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies from the University of the Witwatersrand and started her journey as a community journalist for the Polokwane Review in 2015. She then became the online journalist for the Review in 2016 where she excelled in solidifying the Review’s digital footprint through Facebook lives, content creation and marketing campaigns. Raeesa then moved on to become the News Editor of the Bonus Review in 2019 and scooped up the Editorial Employee of the Year award in the same year. She is the current Digital Editor of the Polokwane Review-Observer, a position she takes pride in. Raeesa is married with one child and enjoys spending time with friends, listening to music and baking – when she has the time. “I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon. – Tom Stoppard

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