Simple DIY Self-Care Tips

If there's something most people have realised, it's that you can't pour from an empty cup. This is most evident in the rising popularity of self-care.

There’s nothing like going for a spa treatment to wind down and replenish your lost energy.

But self-care can burn a hole in the pocket, which is why many people don’t practise it as regularly as they would like. Luckily, there are plenty of DIY tips that take self-care out of the realm of expensive spas into your living room. Here are a few tips to help you pamper yourself without punishing your wallet:

Make a Body Scrub

Using lotion to make a body scrub is quite simple. There’s only one basic rule to follow: mix one tablespoon of exfoliant per 250mls of lotion. Ground walnut shells, coarse raw sugar and ground oatmeal are just a few exfoliants you can use. You can also add a drop or two of essential oils to give your body scrub a pleasant fragrance. Alternatively, you can use something that’s already scented, such as cocoa butter lotion.

Have a Sauna Session in Your Shower

Turn on your shower and let the hot water run for about 15 minutes. As the water runs and the steam accumulates, take a warm towel and spray with an essential oil of your choice. When you step into the shower, place the towel on your face and take a deep breath. The scented steam is a great way to relax you before hopping into bed. Just be sure to collect the water that was running in the shower before you stepped in and put it to good use (wash your car or water your garden)

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Body Hair

Anyone who has used body lotion knows that it’s a crucial part of having radiant skinBut it also serves an excellent substitute for shaving cream. Instead of applying body lotion after you shave, use it for the process of removing unwanted body hair. It has the perfect consistency for the task and works as a smooth barrier between the razor blade and your skin. Just make sure the part you are shaving is completely covered in the body lotion.

Make Your Own Rose Water Toner

Rose water is known to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that work wonders for your skin. To make your own, take a cup of firmly packed rose petals and pour two cups of boiling water over the petals. Cover the liquid and allow to cool. Then strain the liquid from the petals and place the rose water in a sterilised container before refrigerating. Be sure to place the rose water back in the fridge after each use.

Pampering yourself doesn’t have to put a strain on your pocket. Whenever you feel the need to indulge in a bit of self-care, remember that you can have a spa treatment in the comfort of your home.

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