
EdTech Summit Africa brings teaching skills to educators

More than 150 educators from schools in Polokwane and surrounding rural areas attended a one-day summit presented by EdTech Global Africa at Mitchell House on Monday. Co-producer of the event, Karen Kirsch Page said that the aim of the summit was to bring teaching strategies to educators through the use of technology. “Technology is a …

More than 150 educators from schools in Polokwane and surrounding rural areas attended a one-day summit presented by EdTech Global Africa at Mitchell House on Monday.
Co-producer of the event, Karen Kirsch Page said that the aim of the summit was to bring teaching strategies to educators through the use of technology. “Technology is a way to achieve education equity and by presenting these workshops, we endeavour to reach all schools and in particular underserved ones. We use the teachers of advanced schools such as Mitchell House to assist in the presentations,” Kirsch Page explained.
The summit was structured around three sessions of 90 minutes each and dealt with topics which included ‘Solving problems through design thinking and computational thinking’, ‘Begin a free digital library at your school including both teacher and student created books using 21st century skills and creative expression’ and ‘Developing evidence based arguments in Science/STEM teaching and learning’. Educators were also briefed on ‘Creating a culture of digital citizenship in the classroom: Tools and strategies to equip learners for the digital age’, ‘Successful technology integration for teaching, learning and assessment’ and ‘Accessibility for empowerment leveraging technology for students with learning disabilities’.

Story and photos: BARRY VILJOEN

Kevin Baloyi, co-producer of EdTech Summit Africa, facilitates one of the workshops at the summit.
Educators participate in a workshop at EdTech Summit Africa.

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