Mixed views on new brooms

Some of the new brooms in Premier Stan Mathabatha’s cabinet seemingly hit the ground running as they are seen addressing gatherings across the districts and attempting to solve some of the issues faced in the province while others are somewhat still studying their new portfolios. The recently appointed Members of the Executive Council (MECs) are …

Some of the new brooms in Premier Stan Mathabatha’s cabinet seemingly hit the ground running as they are seen addressing gatherings across the districts and attempting to solve some of the issues faced in the province while others are somewhat still studying their new portfolios.
The recently appointed Members of the Executive Council (MECs) are more or less moving in the right direction as far as the fourth industrial revolution is concerned as they often use digital spheres to communicate messages from their respective government departments and state entities. Since their official deployment, political heads who are reasonably more active and visible than others include Economic Development, Environment and Tourism MEC Thabo Mokone, Transport and Community Safety MEC Dickson Mase­mola, Health MEC Phophi Ramathuba, Education MEC Polly Boshielo and Social Development MEC Nkakareng Rakgoale. Less visible have been Provincial Treasury MEC Seaparo Sekoati, Agriculture and Rural Development MEC Nandi Ndalane, Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure MEC Monicca Mochadi and Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs MEC Basikopo Makamu.

Transport and Community Safety MEC Dickson Masemola on a Police motorbike during the official launch of Operation Swara Tsotsi on Friday.

Leaders of opposition political parties in Limpopo have expressed criticism at what they have described as the snail’s pace at which MECs have been moving. Economic Freedom Fighters Provincial Chairperson Jossey Buthane expressed disapproval: “The newly appointed MECs are thus far useless. Perhaps they are still learning but I am afraid the public doesn’t want slow learners hence they should up their game and lead the portfolios they are entrusted with.”
The Democratic Alliance Provincial Leader Jacques Smalle stated that the cabinet was made up of good and bad, experienced and less experienced people. He reckoned that there was less accountability in the previous term and stressed that Mathabatha as the captain of the ship must be tough on his cabinet for them to perform.
Vryheidsfront Plus Limpopo Leader Marcelle Maritz said she hoped the MECs would do what is best for the people. She added that her party would monitor them closely to ensure that they deliver on their promises.


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