Drug hole

The availability of drugs and incidence of substance abuse, widely regarded as a major instigator of crimes such as rape and robbery, is steering the city towards the brink of a crisis that would require a no-nonsense multi-faceted approach towards finding a solution. Drug abuse and the availability thereof became even more evident during a …

The availability of drugs and incidence of substance abuse, widely regarded as a major instigator of crimes such as rape and robbery, is steering the city towards the brink of a crisis that would require a no-nonsense multi-faceted approach towards finding a solution.
Drug abuse and the availability thereof became even more evident during a quick operation carried out by Mighty Tactical Reaction Services (TRS) in conjunction with the Police in the central business district of Polo­kwane on Tuesday. The campaign focussed on drug-related crimes and resulted in the arrest of 40 suspects within two hours.

Drugs confiscated during an operation in the city central.

Shabier Valjie of Mighty TRS expressed concern about drugs taking over the city. “It is all over – in the central business district and residential areas. It is a very big issue,” he said.
Valjie further indicated that the fight against drugs has become a war in which the team members are prepared to die. “Together with the Police, we are going to fight and win this war.”
According to Valjie dagga has become commonplace across the city but his biggest concern is the prevalence of lethal drugs such as nyoape, cocaine and heroin. “These drugs are instigators of crime. Users get out of their mind which then leads to crime such as robbery, housebreakings, rape and even kidnapping.”

Large quantities of confiscated dagga.

During the arrests several quantities of dagga and nyoape as well as dangerous weapons were confiscated. Besides this week’s arrests Mighty TRS also apprehended about 22 suspects in Nirvana and city centre for possession of drugs.
He warned residents to be alert when travelling through the city centre, especially in Market, Landdros Maré, Grobler and Thabo Mbeki streets where drugs are freely available but also as reports of smash-and-grab incidents are also been received on regular basis.
In a separate occasion the Central Drug Authority and Share If We Care Foundation together with Westenburg Police Station, led by Commander Maimele
Pilusa hosted an informational session with learners at the suburb on Saturday.
During the session in Westenburg, learners were educated on various types of household products such as insect repellent, glue and even certain types of white board markers used as a substance to get so-called high.
Speaking to Pilusa prior to the session he clearly indicated that his role was to encourage the youth to stay away from any form of drugs and to create awareness on opportunities in the Police as well as structures they can join in the fight against crime, especially drugs which is the biggest challenge in Westenburg.
“Dagga is like food in this suburb but our bigger worries are when it comes to nyoape and cocaine which are also a major challenge among young and old. We urge residents to report any drug-related incidents to the Police immediately. The caller will always remain anonymous – we only need the information to be able to respond soonest,” Pilusa said. The city also heard the outcry of Representative Council of Learner (RCL) members of schools across the province during an interaction with Education MEC Polly Boshielo about, among other, substance abuse in schools and that serious intervention is required.

Story and photo: RC Myburgh

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