The joys of having children early and later on in life

Fatherhood can be an amazing experience, and life can sometimes bring about a curve-ball and bring the gift of fatherhood much earlier or later in life than initially planned for.

POLOKWANE – Fatherhood can be an amazing experience, and life can sometimes bring about a curve-ball and bring the gift of fatherhood much earlier or later in life than initially planned for. Bonus spoke to two fathers who had children earlier and later in life.

Raft Mabasa, who had his first child at the age of 20, said despite it being scary and having doubts about whether he would be able to take care of the child, he had to man up and take responsibility.

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“I feel like it forced me to grow up very quickly and start thinking ahead. Despite not being ready, I would not say it was a mistake because my life revolves around my children. I can’t imagine not having them in my life,” he said. He has since grown from the inexperienced father that had no idea what he was doing when he started, to playing a key role in his children’s life as he continues to learn about the beauty of fatherhood.

Ben Siwela had his last born at the age of 40-years-old, his other children were already grown. He shared that his daughter is what he could call a miracle of sort because she was not planned and he did not anticipate becoming a father again.

“I really thought I would be raising grandchildren not children at 40. But I would not change the experience for the world. It made me feel young again although having to chase her around the house reminds me how the years have gone by,” he laughs. Although he had not planned for things to happen as it did, he said that she brought so much joy and laughter for the family and he would not change that for anything in the world.

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