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Mother told to buy cough syrup due to a delay in ordering medication at Rethabile Clinic

According to Neil Shikwambana, Health Spokesperson, the problem is not a shortage of medicine but a delay in the timeous ordering of medicine.

POLOKWANE – A young mother who took her sick two-year-old daughter to Rethabile Clinic, is up in arms after nurses only prescribed an antihistamine and paracetamol for flu. She was also told that she would have to buy cough syrup herself, as the clinic was out of stock.

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According to Neil Shikwambana, Health Spokesperson, the problem is not a shortage of medicine but a delay in the timeous ordering of medicine.

“If it were a matter of a shortage of medication, the problem would affect other public hospitals and clinics too.”

He said he investigated and found that staff at Rethabile failed to order medicine in time. “It happens from time to time that the clinic places its orders too late. And in the winter, flu medication goes faster.”

He said the clinic had been notified of the complaints and he was told they are awaiting stock. He added that they have enlisted the help of the provincial hospital in the meantime.

The department is mandated to place an order for the medication from the depot and to make sure that it is delivered and from there, the clinics place their orders.


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