New look cabinet – Premier announces fresh Executive Council

Heated political arguments, fresh opinions and sharp analysis on matters affecting the province are most likely to characterise the sixth Limpopo Legislature, considering the new blood inaugurated in the legislative chamber in Lebowa­kgomo yesterday (Wednesday) morning. Yesterday at around 11:00 Premier Stan Mathabatha took oath of office after being elected into the position. Following the …

Heated political arguments, fresh opinions and sharp analysis on matters affecting the province are most likely to characterise the sixth Limpopo Legislature, considering the new blood inaugurated in the legislative chamber in Lebowa­kgomo yesterday (Wednesday) morning.
Yesterday at around 11:00 Premier Stan Mathabatha took oath of office after being elected into the position. Following the ceremonial pomp, Mathabatha was expected to announce his Provincial Cabinet and effect several changes to seemingly create space for a handful of newcomers to the scene.
His Executive Council (Exco) was anticipated to reflect a mix of gender, age, experience and alliance affiliation.
Around the same time Mavhungu Luruli-Ramakhanya was elected as Legislature Speaker and Jerry Ndou as Deputy Speaker.
The Legislature is constituted of 49 seats of which the African National Congress (ANC) occupies 38, seven by the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) as official opposition in the province, the Democratic Alliance (DA) has three and the Vryheidsfront Plus (VF Plus) who booted out Congress of the People (Cope) to occupy their single seat.

Premier Stan Mathabatha takes the oath. (Photo: Endy Senyatsi)

At the time of going to press news was received that former MECs Ishmael Kgetjepe, Rob Tooley, Makoma Makhurupetje and Mapula Mokaba-Phukwana were being excluded from the Exco. Former Legislature Speaker Polly Boshielo was given the Education portfolio. MEC Phophi Ramathuba retained the Health portfolio. Basikopo Makamu was moved to Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs. Monicca Mochabi was entrusted with the Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure portfolio. Thabo Mokone is Limpopo’s new Economic Development, Environment and Tourism MEC. Nkakareng Rakgoale was to take up the Social Development position on the Exco. Dickson Masemola was given the Transport and Community Safety portfolio. Nandi Ndalane was moved to Agriculture and Seaparo Sekoati to Provincial Treasury. Thandi Moraka retained her position as MEC for Sport, Arts and Culture.
Countrywide all eyes are remaining on President Cyril Ramaphosa with regards to his pronouncement on the national cabinet line-up. With Ramaphosa set to be inaugurated on Saturday, it is speculated that he might announce his cabinet on Sunday or Monday with the swearing in anticipated to be on Tuesday. Yesterday 400 members of the National Assembly were supposed to be sworn in and today (Thursday) Chief Justice, Mogoeng Mogoeng is expected to preside over the first sitting of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) for the swearing in of permanent delegates and the election of the chairperson of the house.
The chairperson would then preside over the election of the deputy chairperson, house chairpersons and the chief whip. Ramaphosa is expected to deliver the State of the Nation Address to a joint sitting of the National Assembly and the NCOP to officially open the sixth democratic Parliament on the provisionally scheduled date of 20 June.
The dates and venues for the State of the Province Address are yet to be announced. The media liaison officer of the Limpopo Legislature, Meodi Mothapo indicated earlier that once the Premier and the Speaker are elected they will decide on the dates and venues for the official opening of the Legislature.


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