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From jotting down her feelings in a diary to inspiring women to be courageous

Using her past experiences in life, facing trauma and surviving an abusive relationship, Tumelo Mmoa from Ga-Mphahlele wrote a book to educate, as well as encourage those in similar situations to have the courage to break free.

POLOKWANE – “I wrote the book after I left an abusive marriage in 2015. It started with me just writing down my feelings and thoughts in my diary daily. I then decided to transform my diary into a book. A lot of people, especially young women succumb to abusive relationships, staying in them for various reasons. These include both financial and emotional security, which I strongly believe women can attain on their own and not rely or be dependent on anyone for them,” she explained.

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Tumelo says her book has been doing well and is warmly embraced by the community. The book titled What I Survived Might Kill You, was written in a period of 12 months.

“This is my first book and I am 15 copies away from 600 sales since publishing. With this book I took a brave step to open up and let people in, on what I have endured in the name of love.vI was married and like any other woman wanting to make her marriage work, I told myself whatever I was enduring at the time would pass. However, things went from bad to worse. I survived and I have a story to share. One with the hope of encouraging women to immediately detach themselves from such toxic relationships, as well as be able to spot the signs of abuse in any relationship,” she added.

Itumeleng Mmoa

Tumelo says to promote her book, she regularly hosts events where she invites women to come and engage with her. She has one-on-one conversations with them regarding her past experiences, as well as discussing her book. She is currently working on her second book, which she says she will launch later this year or in the first quarter of next year.

“The intimate conversations have pulled positive results and feedback. More ladies who have read my book or attended the events, are able to open up about their personal challenges. Therefore helping each other to overcome those challenges and lead positive lives. The response from men has been amazing too. My heart always leaps for joy when a man supports these kind of seatings, because I believe we work better together than apart,” said the 29-year-old.

She added that the book is based on her life story and is educational as well, teaching different types of abuse, knowing when to leave and spotting red flags.


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