Medical experts reap fruits of hard work

The South African Medical Association (Sama) in Limpopo joined by the Provincial Government headed by Premier Stan Mathabatha honoured and celebrated medical professionals in the province during an awards ceremony hosted by the association at Bolivia Estate last Thursday. Health MEC Phophi Ramathuba reportedly gave a moving tribute when celebrating Limpopo’s finest within the medical …

The South African Medical Association (Sama) in Limpopo joined by the Provincial Government headed by Premier Stan Mathabatha honoured and celebrated medical professionals in the province during an awards ceremony hosted by the association at Bolivia Estate last Thursday.
Health MEC Phophi Ramathuba reportedly gave a moving tribute when celebrating Limpopo’s finest within the medical sector. Among the recipients were the surgeons who recently performed open heart surgery at Mankweng Hospital and nurses at the same facility stationed in theatre and the intensive care unit (ICU) for the outstanding supportive role they played during and also post operation care in ICU.

Mashudu Tshifularo with Premier Spokesperson Kenny Mathivha at the Sama Limpopo awards ceremony.

Mashudu Tshifularo, who performed the first ever middle ear transplant in the world using 3D printed bones, and Marule Mohlala who performed the first open heart surgery in Mankweng Hospital were among those recognised.
In his address Mathabatha said it was befitting that time be made to recognise those who do research in an effort to interact with the latest trends in the field. This is what true development is about, he said and added that he was delighted that the awards also recognised those who have served the public service with loyalty and distinction for longer than ten years. “I am saying this because we all know of the challenges in the public sector. It is not always easy to attract talent and skills to the public sector. Where we succeed to attract, the next struggle is to sustain such a talent,” Mathabatha said.
There are challenges in the sector which require government and Sama’s collective attention, he stressed and reiterated that he was convinced that no challenge was above their collective abilities to resolve. He urged the association to continue working with Government for the good health of the nation.


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