Botswadi promotes health relationships between parents, children

A group of parents and guardians from the community were recently afforded an opportunity to attend the SAVF parenting program for a week, in order to improve on their parenting skills, as well as learn how to improve on their relationships with their children.

POLOKWANE – The Botswadi programe, initiated by SAVF and funded by Lotto, offered basic parenting skills at Boledi Dropin Centre in Seshego, zone 3. The aim of the program was to enhance healthy parent relations by informing and supporting parents.

“It is a challenging task to be a hands on parent when one is experiencing both emotional and physical challenges which may hinder a healthy relationship between a child and a parent. Our program seeks to help alleviate some of the stress a parents/child deals with, in order to help them build a healthy, flourishing relationships which will contribute towards a healthy family,” explained Terry Mkhabele, SAVF social worker.

Two of the woman who attended the program explained what they learned about parenting in today’s times…

Mantwa Maponya said that above all else she learned that children also need to be heard. In the sense that parents need to start listening with an aim to act on a problem brought to the table by a child instead of just listening and assuming that the child is facing adolescence and is seeking attention with their unruly behavior. “Children become rebellious when they are not heard and through our own actions we need to lead by example,” she added.

Magdelene Rakgomo said that she learned that children need to be explained to in a manner, which they will understand, when certain things cannot be fulfilled at home i.e if there is no money to buy certain shoes or a bag it is the parents responsibility to sit the child down and explain to them what the situation is and together come up with a solution which will suit both parties. This will prevent a strained relationship where the child feels unloved or second best.

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