[WATCH] ‘Re batho ka batho’ – Cappies call for unity in donating blood

Capricorn High School hosted a blood drive at the school on Tuesday, 9 April.

POLOKWANE – A steady number of learners came to donate and be counted among those that played by part in saving a life.

One of those learners, Tlotleng Mathobela, was donating blood for the 11th time. He explained to Review his reason for donating blood…

Tlotleng further explained that he donated for the first time when he was 16-years-old because he had the burning desire to do so. “You never know who might need it, one day it might be somebody you love or even yourself, so donating blood is very important,” he said. He added that he has no intention of ever stopping and he will keep donating until he is physically unable to.

Review also spoke to the Cappies peer promoters, the Blood Buddies, to find out why they volunteered to be part of such an initiative.


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