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Swine fever outbreak in NW poses no immediate threat to pig farmers – SAPPO

South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO) confirmed in a press release on Wednesday, 10 April 2019 that there was an outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) – a severe haemorrhagic disease of pigs – on a farm in the North West province.

The outbreak killed 32 out of a herd of 36 pigs on a farm in the Ditsobotla district, with the remaining animals slaughtered.

The outbreak occurred outside South Africa’s control zone for the disease and may be linked to contact with wild animals. “[This is an] isolated incident and it seems not to pose any risk to the South African commercial pig industry at this stage”, says Johann Kotzé, CEO of SAPPO.

The farm was put under quarantine by Dr Nelmarie Kruger-Rall of the provincial Department of Rural, Environment and Agricultural Development (READ). She will ensure that the quarantine measures are upheld for the next three months and that the pigs that were exposed will be contained to stop the risk of ASF spreading from the farm.

Kotzé said that the farmer was feeding swill as part of the pigs’ diet – a practice that should be avoided at all costs. “The outbreak also supports the fact that the compartment production system is one of the most important measures a farmer can take to safe guard his farm against an ASF outbreak,” Kotzé said.

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