Inventions might just be his key to a prosperous life

Mothebo Mothiba (15) from Turfloop Unit E is an inventor who uses recycled material to invent anything that could be of use to him.

POLOKWANE – The 15-year-old, is a Gr 8 learner at Makgongoane High School in Mankweng and says he lacks concentration and his understanding of information is minimal, where he ends up not even paying attention. “I can’t listen for more than five minutes in class, mainly because I fail to understand what the teacher is saying. It is never easy asking questions in class, without looking stupid to the other learners. The only time people want to work with me is when we do projects,” he said.

His mother Linah Mothiba, explained the family took Mothebo to a psychologist and they were not given any diagnosis of what could be causing his sudden lack of interest in books. “Mothebo has always been a bright child. He would even help his older sister with her homework, but things suddenly changed. He started not being interested in doing his own school-work. He has been seeing a psychologist for the past three years, but we haven’t seen any changes or improvement in his schoolwork,” she added.

Mothebo said he enjoys working with his hands, doing projects and creating new inventions. “I invented an alarm as my mother struggles to wake me up to get ready for school. Instead of her calling my name and shaking me for hours, she can now just ring the alarm and I will wake up,” he explained.

Mothebo Mothiba’s recyled material inventions.

The family hopes to get a diagnosis, so they can know which school is suitable for their son. They believe he has great potential and talent that needs to be nurtured.

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