‘Excite Your Mind’ one book at a time

The second annual Excite Your Mind Book Festival, founded by Thabitha Maphalle, will take place on 6 April at Capricorn FET College.

POLOKWANE – The festival is an initiative that strives to increase the culture of reading and writing in Limpopo. This year the event seeks to promote taking back our freedom, by telling more stories and engaging with more publishers. There will be a writing and reading competition, as well as activities like movies created by local residents.

Read more: Thabitha dreams of building a reading nation

This year more authors and publishers have been invited. There will be no participation fee, however authors or companies interested in exhibiting their work at one of the participation stalls should pay a R100.

This could be in the form of books, flyers and even posters. Authors are encouraged to bring their books and work to sell on the day of the event. The money generated will be used for the buying of material for the reading competition.

We request people to register on the day before 09:00. The different activities will be judged by a selected panel on the day. Food stalls will also be available on the day.

For more information, contact Thabitha Maphalle at 071 830 9278.


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