Lucy has dedicated her life to changing the world, one person at a time

Matlhale Lucy Raludzwidzwo, is the lady behind Conversations, an initiative to get young people talking about uncomfortable, tough topics.

POLOKWANE – The 26-year-old was born at Mankweng at Ga Mamabolo, Mošate and at the age of thirteen her family moved to Westenburg where she completed her high school. The born again Christian describes herself as bold, wise and outspoken. “I’m
a dynamic, dependable leader who believes in hard work, growth and greatness. I believe in developing communities and changing the world, one person at a time,” she added.

Lucy holds an honours degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Limpopo. She also likes to travel, hike and is also into events planning and coordination as well as videography.

She’s a youth leader at church and is often asked to speak to the youth and the church as a whole. She says she finds fulfillment is helping others and hopes to one day be a full-time motivational speaker. “I’m not yet there but God willing, I will soon be able to follow my dream of hosting my own talk show. It’s a still a dream waiting to happen, but if given the opportunity, I would start any day, be it on radio or TV,” Lucy added.

‘Conversations’ – Giving the youth an opportunity to tackle uncomfortable topics

“The Christian youth face a lot of problems that cannot be summarised in sermons. Issues such as chronic illnesses and faith, success and single-hood, ambition and marriage, among other issues that I personally feel cripple our Christian youth.”

The main aim of Conversations is to create a platform that allows the youth to  speak openly about challenges. The first session which was successfully hosted at University of Limpopo in February, saw saw speakers share their personal testimonies on chosen topics which included rape, fornication, masturbation and pornography.

This was the first of many to come and Lucy shared that the youth can look out for another session of Conversations, where they will speak on purity.

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