Tom Naudé learners help SANBS to save lives

Seventy-five units of blood were collected by officials of South African Blood Service (SANBS) during a blood drive at Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé last Wednesday. According to Bongiwe Shitlhangu, donor educator at SANBS’s provincial office the units will help those who are in need of blood. “We need to collect 32 000 units of …

Seventy-five units of blood were collected by officials of South African Blood Service
(SANBS) during a blood drive at Hoër Tegniese Skool Tom Naudé last Wednesday.
According to Bongiwe Shitlhangu, donor educator at SANBS’s provincial office the units will help those who are in need of blood.
“We need to collect 32 000 units of blood units before the end of this year. I think with the help of schools and community members we can achieve that figure and save more lives. We want to thank the school for allowing learners to participate and contribute to this worthy cause,” she said.
She also told Polokwane Observer that they will host a peer promoter training in Polokwane tomorrow (Friday) aimed at educating high school learners about the importance of donating blood.
“We have invited high school learners from various schools in the province who are peer educators in their respective schools. These are some of our efforts of ensuring that more people donate blood.”

Story and photos: Herbert Rachuene

Jamie Norval, learner at HTS Tom Naudé enjoys a fruit juice while donating blood.
Learners Romano Harmse and Brando de Souza took part in the initiative.
Voluntary learners donors Bless Tshesane and Keagan Rheeder, in front, with Michelle Park, Bongiwe Shitlangu, donor educator at SANBS and Damien Duvenage at the back.
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