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Help Makwena’s dream of opening a library in Moletjie come true

"I came up with the proposal in 2014 and approached Aganang Municipality as well as other organisations, but my plea has since fell on deaf ears, however I will not give up on my dream, as I know it will change many lives and create a better living environment for the youth in Moletjie."

POLOKWANE – The 33-year-old social entrepreneur, Makwena Eva Manamela from Moletjie, Ga Sechaba says that she is concerned about the number of social problems in Moletjie. Which include HIV/aids and chronic illnesses, lack of educational facilities, such as a library which is why she on a quest to erect one of the first mobile library centres, which she believes will change many lives for the better.

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“I strongly believe that we can’t rely on school facilities alone for extra mural education and learning, innovative thinking and fitness. Most communities in rural areas are in dire need of educational facilities such libraries, museums and sports grounds in order for them to keep busy and learn, even after they have stepped out of the classroom. We see how much these lack of facilities continue to lead the youth into activities that destroy their future,” she explained.

Makwena says that the youth need mentorship programmes, gyms and other serious investments in their lives.

She says that where she comes from the youth have no positive form of entertainment, where they can engage with one another and learn from each other, instead they are surrounded by pubs and taverns.

“Because I was fortunate to attend a school which offered an amazing science laboratory and other extra curricula equipment and educational facilities, which have played a major role in developing me and preparing me for the future. I came up with the proposal in 2014 and approached Aganang Municipality as well as other organisations, but my plea has since fell on deaf ears, however I will not give up on my dream, as I know it will change many lives and create a better living environment for the youth in Moletjie. The province’s children have potential, but are deprived of basic resources including libraries, technology and healthy sanitation. This library will ultimately change these children’s lives and give them hope, in the area where teenage pregnancies, sugar daddies, early sex, alcohol and drugs usage are on the rise,” she added.

She believes that the library will add value to the community for everyone, the young and old enriching them with all relevant information they need top make informed choices about their lives. She currently has no funding and is hoping for support to make this vision a reality. A single mobile library container, which is expected to serve the population of about four surrounding villages in Moletjie and Matlala will cost close to R120 000.

She pleads with the community at large, businesses and other organisations willing to assist to help invest in the future of the youth.


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