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6 Hiccup remedies that really work

Surely at one point or another, we have all struggled with hiccups that just refuse to go away. Fortunately, modern technology has made it easier to reach out to other people and find out how they get rid of those stubborn hiccups.

POLOKWANE – Everyone has their own way of getting rid of the hiccups, we have listed six of the most popular methods here:

1. Using ice.

Place ice on your diaphragm, which is right beneath your rib cage and just above the abdomen. Let it sit there to cool the muscles, and wait until the spasms stop. (this is the hiccups)

2. Eating peanut butter.

I am pretty sure it would not take too much convincing for people to try this out. You eat a spoonful of peanut butter, chew it slowly, apparently the slow chewing interrupts your breathing pattern and stops the hiccups.

3. Drinking water

This one is a classic tip. The trick to stop hiccups with water is taking 10 gulps from a glass of water. When you gulp quickly and repeatedly, you modify your breaths and distract the vagus nerve from sending its hiccup signals, calming the spasms.

4. Sticking out your tongue

Use your fingers to pull your tongue out of your mouth, make sure your hands are clean. Having your tongue out alters your breathing and reopens your vocal cords, stifling the spasms in your diaphragm.

5. Take a spoonful of sugar

It is believed that somehow eating a spoonful of sugar helps to regulate the spasmodic muscle impulses in the diaphragm that cause hiccups.

6. Teaspoon of Tabasco sauce

Although not everyone can be brave enough to try this one, it’s believed that having a teaspoon of Tabasco sauce can cure hiccups. The trick behind this is that the burn on your tongue from the hotness of the sauce redirects your body’s focus from the hiccups to the fiery feelings in your mouth.


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