Modipadi Mokgohloa ready to sit in the director’s chair

From early aspirations of becoming a forensic detective to now planning to study arts at a prestigious film academy in America, Modipadi Mokgohloa tells us more about her school career.

POLOKWANE – Modipadi finished among the top five at Curro Heuwelkruin with five distinctions and an average of 81%. For Dramatic Arts she received and overall average of 84%.

Her dream is to study at The New York Film Academy and she has since received a $10 000 scholarship. “Unfortunately it is not enough to cover my tuition, so I will in the meantime study Dramatic Arts at AFDA in Cape Town and keep on applying throughout 2019,” she said.

All through a young person’s school career they take on activities to help prepare them for the future. Modipadi says she has always kept herself occupied with more than one activity, ones which helped her take on more responsibility and encouraged interaction with others. “Extra mural activities such as sports and art festivals have helped me become more social and being a member of the leadership cabin has helped me take responsibility for my actions. Everything I have done has taught me skills that are needed in order to survive after school.”
As with everything in life, there are good parts and there are bad parts. For Modiapadi the best thing about school was the family she found at Curro Heuwelkruin. “There was never a time where I felt alone because I had a great relationship with my teachers and my fellow Kruinies. Being at Heuwelkruin was the best part as they helped me discover my true talent and potential in life. The hardest thing about school for me was time management and consistency. At Heuwelkruin, everyone is encouraged to take part in all activities and sometimes I found it truly difficult to find a balance between academics, sports, culture and social life.”
Modipadi ‘s motto in life is ‘Study hard, dream big and live like it is the last day. The future of our country lies in our hands, so let’s strive to make a difference.’

She strongly believes in these words and encourages other learners to go to school with a positive mind-set, take their work seriously and have a balance between their social life and academics.

“Learners must understand the importance of education and the impact that it has on ones future.”

She says that one thing she will miss most about school is the Kruinie spirit, family, love and support that can only be found at Heuwelkruin.

“If I had to go back to school I would change my attitude towards certain subjects and activities. I would strive to be a role model and encourage my peers to put more effort into their school work because I know the advantages of good results and hard work.


Catch this week’s Polokwane Review newspaper for more profiles on the our local top learners.

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