Two more speedsters arrested for not adhering to the speed limit on the N1

A foreign national was also arrested for producing a fake licence

POLOKWANE – Limpopo Traffic Officers arrested three motorists this afternoon, 17 December in three separate incidents.

The first suspect was arrested on N1 South Near the Sand River for driving at 172km/h in a 120km/h zone and the second suspect was also caught speeding on N1 North near Tweefontein driving at 160km/h in a 100km/h zone.

You might also want to read: Speedster arrested for travelling at 216km/h on the N1 near Mookgophong

The third suspect (a Zimbabwean national) was also arrested on the N1 North for for fraud after he produced a drivers license that is not his.

MEC for the Department of Transport and Community Safety, Makoma Makhurupetje has thanked traffic officials for a job well done.

“By effecting these arrests, we are setting an example to other motorists that we shall not tolerate reckless driving, as Limpopo remains a zero tolerant zone,” she concluded.

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