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Premier’s festive message to Limpopo

“The curtain is closing on what has been an eventful and colourful year. We started the year by dedicating 2018 to the honour and memories of Tata Nelson Mandela and Mama Albertina Sisulu, both of whom would have turned 100 years had they lived. Throughout 2018, we were guided by the instructing words of Mandela …

“The curtain is closing on what has been an eventful and colourful year. We started the year by dedicating 2018 to the honour and memories of Tata Nelson Mandela and Mama Albertina Sisulu, both of whom would have turned 100 years had they lived.
Throughout 2018, we were guided by the instructing words of Mandela when he said that for as long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us should rest. In the memory of Mama Sisulu we committed ourselves to redouble our efforts to advance the total socio-economic emancipation of the women of our province and the country. Traditionally, the festive season is a special period of family reunions and spiritual rejuvenation for the majority of the people of our province and beyond.
On behalf of the Provincial Government, we wish all the residents of our beautiful province a Merry Christmas and a truly prosperous New Year. We call on the residents of Limpopo to use this festive season to recommit themselves to the principles of family, friendship, love and peace. We are also confident that we will use this period to open our hearts wide with generosity so as to never forget that we are each other’s keeper. We can each make this, a truly special season to everyone by sharing the little that we have with the less privileged.
Sadly, it is during this merry season that as a province we lose so many lives on our roads. To ensure safety for everyone, particularly on our roads, we reiterate our call to all road users to observe the rules of the road, these includes, observing a safe following distance, being patient, observing speed limits and not driving under the influence of alcohol. Our law enforcement agencies and personnel have been instructed to show no mercy to any person disrespecting our traffic laws, including those who will be caught driving under the influence of alcohol, over speeding or over loading their vehicles.
Let us be cautious in all things we do. Report all criminal or suspected criminal activities to the Police. Don’t drink and drive, buckle up and arrive alive. God Bless you all.”

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