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Young Mokopane writer puts pen to paper in 2nd noval

Erick Mokgotho is only 27 years old, but he is already almost finished writing his third book and his second novel is currently being launched.

MOKOPANE – Erick grew-up in the Mahwelereng area but currently resides in Gauteng. He will be launching his second novel, Unsettled Dust at the Mokopane Hotel on 20 December from 17:00 to 20:00.

He invites every book lover to join the launch and help make his book a success.

Apart from writing which is his passion, he also works on a construction site. Erick says that writing has become part of his everyday routine and that he struggles to go a day without it.

“I always ignored writing when I was still at school, I never thought that I would be able to write.

“I started writing after I read a book by Joel Osteen, 7 Steps to living at your full potential. It motivated me to start doing research about writing and books.

“I started out writing motivational things, but my first novel was almost 100 000 words.

“It did not get published, because the publishers rejected it. Then I had an internal breakthrough and I changed publishers.

“Now I had my book, Internal Breakthrough, on the shelves at CNA at the Mokopane Mall since June this year.

“To ask me why I write is to ask me why I eat. I created a habit to write every day.”

Erick’s purpose is to share and inspire through his writing and he plans to keep on writing in the future.

“I plan to let two books be published every year. I want to keep writing until I am the best in South Africa. Then I will take on the world to challenge writers like Steven King.”

His inspiration in life comes from motivational speaker Les Brown, as well as his grandmother when he was still a child.

“Les Brown taught me that your dream is always possible. My grandmother is my darling. When I was a child she was providing everything.

“She made sure I went to school, that I was living and eating.

“She taught me how to pray, to respect others and how to live with everyone around you. She is a big part of who I am today.”

When asked which of his own books he favours, he said that he loves them all.


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