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Maponya Holy Matrimony an unforgettable occasion

The Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA) Polokwane City Congregation observed the Holy Matrimony of its Reverend Moshe Maponya, at an illustrious ceremony at the church in the city on Saturday. The event included the welcoming and robing of Maponya’s wife, Ruth. After the service, Reverend Maponya and his wife said that indeed God’s …

The Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA) Polokwane City Congregation observed the Holy Matrimony of its Reverend Moshe Maponya, at an illustrious ceremony at the church in the city on Saturday. The event included the welcoming and robing of Maponya’s wife, Ruth.
After the service, Reverend Maponya and his wife said that indeed God’s time is always perfect. “Our day was another reflection of God’s grace and glory and we are truly grateful to all who shared this day with us, most notably our families and friends who graced this beautiful occasion. We wish to also express most gratitude to the Church Council of Polo­kwane City and the entire congregation of URCSA Polokwane City,” they said.
“Our union symbolises a new beginning, as aptly said by Rev Canon Malin Mokou during her sermon. It is our belief that GOD ordained our meeting and union and it is our hope and wish that our life together will serve the kingdom of GOD to HIS glory,” the Maponyas added.
“Individually we come from different backgrounds and have experienced life in different ways and have been shaped by many and various events in our lives. At this point in our lives we would like to settle together, to continue to love one another and to serve God by serving others by optimising the various gifts and talents bestowed on us to uplift our families, the Christian faith and generally the communities we live in and around. By GOD’s grace we hope to make a positive contribution in the lives of everyone we interact with.”
“We could not have had such a beautiful day without the love and various contributions made by many people towards the success of this day and we truly owe it to them all. All the services at both the church and bridal home were truly amazing and deeply special. More specifically the robing and welcoming of MmaMoruti Maponya, during which Rev Dr Kupa gave a sermon highlighting the importance of communication in marriage life and also in working with different structures within the church and organisations in general so that we can be able to ultimately serve the kingdom of GOD as best as we humanly can.”
“The bride’s welcoming into the Maponya family captures the entire event through the naming of ‘Lesedi’, meaning light, which she received as part of the welcome ceremony. This is a confirmation to us that indeed our future is bright and with GOD by our side His light will stay with us through and through. Moruti Mahlatse’s message on Sunday also emphasised through Matthew Chapter 5 vs 13 and 14, that as Christians we should be the light of the world, the Maponyas concluded.

Photos: Supplied

Dr Mphakane Kupa delivers the sermon.
Reverend Malin Mokou with the Maponya couple.
Reverend Moshe Maponya, centre, with friends and relatives.
Johannah Letsoalo robes Ruth Maponya.
Reverend Moshe Maponya and his wife, Ruth.
Azania and Kagisano Selemela and Bonolo Maponya.
Reverends Nchabeleng, Letsoalo, Mahlatsi and Dr Mphakane Kupa praying.
Reverends’ wives, Anna Kgafela, Ruth Maponya, Johannah Letsoalo and Sylvia Kupa.
Guests at the Holy Matrimony.

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