CRIME shorts

Heymann weer volgende jaar in hof Ramone Heymann wat ‘n klag van strafbare manslag in die gesig staar nadat hy na bewering die Westenburg Sekondêre Skool-leerder, Shannon Sacco in Maart 2016 doodgery het, se saak is verlede week na Januarie 2019 uitgestel, byna drie jaar na die voorval. Die saak was verlede week vir twee …

Heymann weer volgende jaar in hof
Ramone Heymann wat ‘n klag van strafbare manslag in die gesig staar nadat hy na bewering die Westenburg Sekondêre Skool-leerder, Shannon Sacco in Maart 2016 doodgery het, se saak is verlede week na Januarie 2019 uitgestel, byna drie jaar na die voorval. Die saak was verlede week vir twee dae op die Mankweng streekhofrol, maar is glo uitgestel omdat twee van die verdedig­ing se getuies nie opgedaag het nie.
Die verhoor sou in Februarie vanjaar begin het, maar is glo telkens uitgestel omdat Heymann volgens inligting van regsverteenwoor­diger verander het. Shannon is na skool op pad huis toe deur ‘n voertuig getref waarna sy dood is. Heymann het glo na die ongeluk probeer wegjaag, maar is deur gemeenskapslede by sy huis opgespoor waarna die polisie in kennis gestel is. Hy het kort na die voorval in die Polo­kwane landdroshof verskyn en is later op
R1 500 borgtog vrygelaat.
Only one of five escapees still on the run
Police are continuing their search for one of five awaiting trial prisoners who is still on the run while the other four have been rearrested after escaping from a Police van on the corner of Landdros Maré and Hospital streets about two weeks ago.
Provincial Police Spokesperson Moatshe Ngoepe indicated that the suspects have been transported from Haenertsburg to Polokwane when they managed to escape from a moving Police vehicle. One of the suspects who was initially arrested for house robbery in Haenertsburg was rearrested within the vicinity shortly after the escape while a second suspect Abel Modiba (31) from Motjeteng Village near Lenyenye was re-arrested at Rwanda Village in the Nwamitwa area last Saturday. Thomas Nkuna (34) and Jeffrey Nkuna (27) were also rearrested outside Tzaneen after community members who allegedly saw them driving in Lenyenye informed the Police on Sunday.
George Nkuna (19) is still on the run.
Anyone with information can contact investigating officer Linky Mathebula on 064 756 8218 or report to the nearest Police station.
Three injured in mob-attack
Police are investigating cases of arson, malicious damage to property and public violence after an incident in which three alleged house robbers were attacked and injured by community members of Kgautswane Makgwareng village outside Burgersfort on the weekend.
Provincial Police Spokesperson Moatshe Ngoepe indicated it is alleged that a group of community members caught three suspects aged between 21 and 26 accused of being involved in a house robbery incident after they were found in possession of suspected stolen items. Community members allegedly assaulted the three suspects with various objects until they revealed the name of a fourth suspect also reportedly involved. Police were summoned and the three suspects arrested while the fourth suspect later handed himself over at Leboeng Police Station. Subsequently community members allegedly set the houses and vehicles belonging to the parents of the suspect alight. A total of two houses and one vehicle were damaged, according to Ngoepe, who added that family members are currently kept at a place of safety.

Stories: RC Myburgh

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