Taxes, rates and lack of resources affect agri production

Minimal resources and lack of financial support from different financial institutions are among the major challenges supposedly facing both well-established and emerging farmers across the province. This was emphasised by Agriculture and Rural Development MEC Basikopo Makamu during the official launch of Farmer Empowerment Programme at Bolivia Estate on Friday. He said banks are seemingly …

Minimal resources and lack of financial support from different financial institutions are among the major challenges supposedly facing both well-established and emerging farmers across the province.
This was emphasised by Agriculture and Rural Development MEC Basikopo Makamu during the official launch of Farmer Empowerment Programme at Bolivia Estate on Friday. He said banks are seemingly dragging their feet when they have to assist farmers financially. He explained that he had convened the farmers support crusade to bring relevant stakeholders together in order to come up with solutions to boost one another.
Makamu revealed that rates and taxes were also affecting farmers badly. He mentioned that a farmer said that he had to sell about 30 000 cattle to pay South African Revenue Service. He expressed concern that the service could not send a representative to address stakeholders on mechanisms they could use to file for tax returns among others.

Head of Department for Agriculture and Rural Development, Ramatsimele Maisela at the farmers support crusade at Bolivia Estate on Friday.
Eskom Limpopo Customer Relations Manager Hilton Rampedi warns individuals and companies that are guilty of electricity theft.

“The crusade seeks not only to harness disparate resources available to farmers to enhance agricultural production, but to take these to farmers who are in most need for support. The campaign takes its cue from the Limpopo Development Plan which among others, advocates for an achievement of higher levels of production and greater contribution to food security from state and communal land. An informed agricultural sector is a powerful driver of the economy towards sustainable growth with capacity to absorb the unemployed and feed the hungry,” Makamu said.
He emphasised that drought was experienced across the province and urged farmers to resort to technological methods to produce goods.
He indicated that he had met with well-established farmers in Limpopo in trying to find ways to support and mentor emerging farmers.
The session was also addressed by representatives from different institutions including the National Lottery Board, Eskom, government departments, state owned agencies and commercial farmers.
Eskom Limpopo Customer Relations Manager, Hilton Rampedi revealed shocking findings about electricity theft and asked that it be reported to Eskom.

Story & photos: ENDY SENYATSI

Farmers, public servants and representatives of different businesses gather at Bolivia Estate for the farmers support crusade on Friday.
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