Modern version of Noah’s Titanic struggle a highlight

Weeks of preparation culminated in Jabez Christian Academy’s successful recent production of Noah’s Titanic Struggle that was hosted in the school hall for two evenings. The well-known Bible story of how Noah received an order from God to build the ark was given a modern touch with references to social media, chain stores and government …

Weeks of preparation culminated in Jabez Christian Academy’s successful recent production of Noah’s Titanic Struggle that was hosted in the school hall for two evenings.
The well-known Bible story of how Noah received an order from God to build the ark was given a modern touch with references to social media, chain stores and government officials arriving at Noah’s village in a luxury Mercedes-Benz car to deliver the news that government is planning to build a huge dam that will require the resettlement of Noah and his people. Noah took notice of the announcement but trusting in God, he continued with the building of the ark and finally saw his family and two animals of every kind ascending the ark to find a new future at the mountain of Ararat.
The main characters were Noah, his wife, only known as Mamma and Noah’s sons Shem, Ham and Japhet. To add colour to the script, characters such as ngangas and some of the animals in colourful costumes roamed the stage as the ark was built to the specifications provided to Noah by God.

Story and photo: BARRY VILJOEN


Jade Potgieter, Kehlogedi Madihlaba, Muhluri Dihashu, Tshepo Matlou, and Marco de Sousa are some of the animals in the ark.
Tshino Bongwe is Noah.
Phumudzo Ramuntshi and Innocent Njobvu are the two ngangas in the Jabez Christian Academy production of Noah’s Titanic Struggle.


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