
Meropa reaches out to underprivileged children

In their quest to eradicate poverty and hunger Meropa Casino and Entertainment World, through their corporate social investment initiatives and in partnership with Rise Against Hunger, donated bulk packed rice, beans and soya sufficient for preparation of 40 000 meals to drop-in centres in the province on Monday. These drop-in centres, themselves struggling to get financial …

In their quest to eradicate poverty and hunger Meropa Casino and Entertainment World, through their corporate social investment initiatives and in partnership with Rise Against Hunger, donated bulk packed rice, beans and soya sufficient for preparation of 40 000 meals to drop-in centres in the province on Monday.
These drop-in centres, themselves struggling to get financial assistance to keep their programmes alive, are the sole source of food and care for scores of young children across the province.
Speaking during the hand over ceremony on Monday, Peter Guthrie, General Manager at Meropa Casino and Entertainment World said they hoped the donation would make an impact towards feeding the children. “We selected eight beneficiaries located in Mahwelereng, Mookgophong, Ga-Mphahlele, Mmotong, Botlokwa, Senwabarwana, Ga-Mashashane and Ga-Molepo. These organisations are manned by hardworking and passionate men and women who are taking care of the most vulnerable and orphaned children in our communities. We love those children, we want to play a role in raising them and we believe that one day they shall become better people in our society and go on to assist their siblings and other needy children in their communities.”
Guthrie stressed that they knew the contribution they have made was a drop in the ocean but would nevertheless continue to make a huge impact especially on those who have nothing and go to sleep hungry.
“There is a saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. May it be known that Meropa Casino and Entertainment World is part of this village and we have contributed towards development of schools, drop-in centres and also provide water relief programmes by drilling boreholes to ensure that some of our children in the drought stricken communities have drinking water,” Guthrie remarked.
Evelyn Shogole from Dithabaneng drop-in centre said the children would appreciate the food parcels. “This comes as a huge relief for us. We hardly get support from the private sector and government, we are grateful for Meropa for reaching out to us. The children will enjoy the food and Christmas,” Shogole said.
Martha Letoaba of Morwakola drop-in centre said they couldn’t find words to thank Meropa. “We are glad to have been chosen by them. We have plenty of children depending on our organisation and sometimes we don’t have enough food to cater for everyone. The food parcels will ease that burden and I can assure you that the children will appreciate them.”
Some of the drop-in centres that received the food parcels are Ranoto drop-in center from Mmotong wa Perekisi, Mafiwa (Moletjie), Baswana (Ga-Molepo), Maphosa (Botlokwa), Dithabaneng (Ga-Mphahlele), Morwakola (Ga-Mashashane), Mantedi( Mookgophong) and Hlakodisho from Mahwelereng.

Story and photos: Herbert Rachuene

Raksha Gunpath, kneeling, Public Relations and Promotions Manager at Meropa Casino and Entertainment World with some of the food parcels donated to drop-in centres.
His colleagues Peter Guthrie, General Manager, Bongani Sikosana, Hotel Manager and Mothomoni Mapela, Corporate Social Investment Practitioner. Also in the photo are Rise Against Hunger Warehouse Manager Bukhosi Lunga and Logistics and Procurement Manager Ntuthuko Dube, with Rave Moodley, Gaming Manager at Meropa.
Ntuthuko Dube, Logistics and Procurement Manager at Rise Against Hunger, Sylvia Mphahlele, Project Manager for Dithabaneng drop-in centre, Anna Sema, Project Manager for Morwakola drop-in centre, Ruth Mathabatha, Project Manager , Baswane drop-in centre, Eunice Ramusi, Project Manager, Mafiwa drop-in centre and Mothomoni Mapela, Corporate Social Investment Practitioner at Meropa Casino and Entertainment World during the handover ceremony.
Mothomoni Mapela, Corporate Social Investment Practitioner at Meropa Casino and Entertainment World (middle) with Maureen Manyaka of Dithabaneng drop-in centre, Evelyn Letsoalo of Baswane drop-in centre, Martha Letoaba of Morwakola drop-In centre and Patience Senwamadi of Mafiwa drop-in centre.
Representing some of the beneficiares are Evelyn Shogole of Dithabaneng drop-in centre, Alfred Ramusi of Mafiwa drop-in centre, Mothomoni Mapela, Corporate Social Investment Practitioner at Meropa Casino and Entertainment World and Linah Mphahlele of Dithabaneng drop-in centre.

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