[WATCH] Ladanna CPF remember Constable de Lange

Members of the Ladanna CPF got together on Sunday, 11 November to pay homage to Constable Pieter de Lange who was killed on 8 November.

POLOKWANE – Friends and colleagues of De Lange got together to pay their respects to the man who they call their local hero.

Read more: Well-known Westenburg Constable shot and killed in shoot-out with armed suspects

Johan Duvenhage told Review that De Lange was a great man and that the CPF decided to bring him honor in the open field in Buluwayo Street in Ladanna, close to where he was shot and killed.

“We would like to tell his family that we love them and  that we will still be here for them if the ever need anything. We carry your tears and pain with you,” Duvenhage said.

Read more: National SAPS Commissioner condemns killing of Constable De Lange


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