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Thuma Mina Movement responds to call by President

When President Cyril Ramaphosa mobilised South Africans with his call for serving their nation by quoting from the lyrics of Hugh Masekela’s Thuma Mina in his inaugural address in February this year, his message moved a portion of the populace towards action. The President might not have been able to predict to what extent South …

When President Cyril Ramaphosa mobilised South Africans with his call for serving their nation by quoting from the lyrics of Hugh Masekela’s Thuma Mina in his inaugural address in February this year, his message moved a portion of the populace towards action.
The President might not have been able to predict to what extent South Africans were going to take his words to heart. Polokwane resident Sello Lediga was so inspired by the President’s call that he registered a non-profit company, Thuma Mina Movement which is growing in magnitude as a wave of professionals is declaring themselves willing to work together towards a greater South Africa.
In an interview with Polokwane Observer Lediga explained that it was his understanding that in the State of the Nation address Ramaphosa asked South Africans to assist his government to turn the country around. “I think the President is trying to say we’ve come from this period of darkness. The new dawn will remain a myth if South Africans don’t work together to turn the country around.”
Thuma Mina Movement, he said, was being seen as complementing the good work of government and to also hold government accountable when it acts unaccountably. According to Lediga it is possible if every patriotic South African puts in extra effort. He advocated that all citizens should say “South Africa first for me”.
The only way government could be accountable was by having a strong civil society, Lediga pointed out. He expressed the view that the movement was an independent civil society organisation not politically aligned. “Each citizen must know it is important to go the extra mile to save this country, because it’s a sinking ship. This country needs saving. I’m convinced if all of us can go the extra mile we can win. It will take ten to 20 years for the devastation of the previous administration to be corrected and it’s going to be hard work, but we’re going to win.”
He went on to explain the recruitment of individuals who want to serve their country under the Thuma Mina Movement banner, irrespective of their political affiliation. His own links with the ruling party took a back seat as he embarked on recruiting volunteers to join the organisation that was formed on the principle of selfless service to society. Thus far an estimated 500 professionals have been recruited as Thuma Mina Movement volunteers. Among the recruits of the movement are professors, a university principal, advocates, chartered accountants, business leaders, director-generals in government, MECs, Ministers and an ambassador. Regarding education being central to South Africa’s future, he further alluded to the fact that Thuma Mina Movement was a youth-biased social movement that has identified the youth as driving force for implementation of programmes of the structure. With this in mind Lediga said they had to create opportunities for the youth and that he would want to see the birth of a youth cadre in South Africa who was disciplined, patriotic, determined to succeed and to be shaped to take over as next generation leaders. “We want them to be different from the lost generation of the past and be a youth that would be of great service to society.”
To date three youth brigades have been established across the country, two in Limpopo and one in Gauteng. In terms of future plans Lediga visualises a dynamic and progressive movement, anchored by the noble principle of non-racialism and mobilisation throughout the country in an endeavour to build a better South Africa for all.
The good thing was that there was goodwill out there as people wanted to make their South Africa great, Lediga concluded.


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