Noise disturbances to be reported to authorities

Residents of Penina Park in proximity of Chesa Nyama Waterland remain up in arms about noise disturbances created by late night functions, some continuing into the early morning hours. “Last Sunday evening the noise continued until after midnight. Our children are studying for their matric exams and deserve a good night’s sleep,” an irate resident …

Residents of Penina Park in proximity of Chesa Nyama Waterland remain up in arms about noise disturbances created by late night functions, some continuing into the early morning hours.
“Last Sunday evening the noise continued until after midnight. Our children are studying for their matric exams and deserve a good night’s sleep,” an irate resident complained to Polokwane Observer.
Communications and Marketing Manager of Polokwane Municipality, Matshidiso Mothapo confirmed that the municipality has by-laws in place to protect residents against nuisances. “The by-laws are clear that all public functions should conclude at midnight,” Mothapo said and added that the legislation prohibits noise disturbances in excess of the allowed decibels specified in the by-law, irrespective of the time of day.
“Residents are advised to report disturbances to the municipality’s community safety section during working hours and to the police after office hours. Both the SAPS and the municipality’s community safety section continue to work together and have conducted successful operations in dealing with noise nuisances where incidents have been reported. The essence is that the incidents of nuisance must be reported in order for the by-law to be enforced,” Mothapo said and added that in instances where the authoriries do not act on complaints, matters should be escalated to the management of either the municipality or the police. The Municipal Manager’s telephone number is 015 290 2000 and the Polokwane SAPS Station Commissioner may be contacted on 015 290 6531.
Mothapo also said that the lease agreement between the municipalty and the tenant of Chesa Nyama Waterland contains certain stipulations regarding the activities on the premises and that the municipality can only act if a written complaint is received.
Attempts to locate the tenant of Chesa Nyama Waterland proved futile and a manager on site refused to speak to Polo­kwane Observer or provide the contact details of the tenant.


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