Foundation reaches out to top performers

Tiyiselani Education Foundation bestowed top performing learners from Masungulo Primary School, Elim with certificates, gold medals and study material in recognition of their outstanding performance in the second academic term of the year. The learners were recognised during their school awards ceremony held at the school recently. Foundation founder Vongani Bilankulu said the gesture aimed …

Tiyiselani Education Foundation bestowed top performing learners from Masungulo Primary School, Elim with certificates, gold medals and study material in recognition of their outstanding performance in the second academic term of the year.
The learners were recognised during their school awards ceremony held at the school recently.
Foundation founder Vongani Bilankulu said the gesture aimed to encourage excellence among learners and motivate other pupils. “We want learners to prioritise education at an early age and see the value of it. We want them to focus on their studies and strive for top marks in all their subjects,” Bilankulu said.
He added that they would be rewarding top performing learners in other primary schools in the province next year.

Story: Herbert Rachuene

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